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TechHubs In Kenya ;
Content Creation & Generationon : Creation and generation of both onboarding and learning content for use in recruitment and empowerment of prospective affiliates and employees looking to join us and be part of the mission of linking industry to education while creating job opportunities in the growing industry. The content will include presentations, innovative and copywriter articles, video and audio medial and also guides and booklets as required for learning, promotion material and e-mails.

Theme :
Linking Industry To Education
Purpose :
Recruitment of CisoNet Team, Associates and Affiliate Members
Topic :
Drawn From the ESIEX site menus drafts as they retate to to the theme and innovation purpose in the industry
Those with Post Secondary Education Qualifications (Certificates, Diploma or degree) in their chosen area of interest
The meetings are are focused on recruitment and empowerment of national participants and as such they held allover the country at the Village Cisohub.
Partnership Affiliation
Private Office : Those with access to personal devices such as smart phones, tablets, laptops and personal Computers
Community ICT Centers : The government and other social service providers
NGO : Collaboration with other capaicty building and empowerment Non governmental organizations
Commercial Cyber hubs : Cyber cafes and other outlets.
Institutional ICT Labs : Schools and Colleges are continuously introducing ICT labs and industrial practical subjects.
AreaNode : CisoNet is setting up ICT CisoNodes at the village and ward level to reach clients at the community
Site Structure Content
Partnership Affiliates
Onboarding Subject Topics
The Participants will be able To:
Appreciate the need to close the gap between education & Industry
Overview Trends & Relate the crital components constituting an information and communication system
Indentify The Role experience and background in the management of and Enterprise Information & Communication
Preview the CisoNet System Structure and the resultant entreprenuership & employment opportunities
Examine the sources and sustainability of Earnings proposed through the CisoNet Operating Concept
Discuss the various types of contracts and agreements between CisoNet teams, Associates, Affiliates & Partners
In the Management of an Enterpriseof e
Content Creation & Generationon : Creation and generation of both onboarding and learning content for use in recruitment and empowerment of prospective affiliates and employees looking to join us and be part of the mission of linking industry to education while creating job opportunities in the growing industry. The content will include presentations, innovative and copywriter articles, video and audio medial and also guides and booklets as required for learning, promotion material and e-mails.
Funding & Resource Mobilization : Identify sources of funding to facilitate participants attend mentorship, bootcamps, workshops and other career and empowerment events suitable for those self driven post secondary education graduates who who want to apply their background and experience to create wealth while undertaking challenging opportunities that contribute to not only employment but also knowledge and understanding in humanity and society. The sources of funding include government programs for youth as well as diversity, equity and inclusion. Other sources are available through foundations and philanthropy as angels, relatives and parents.
Marketing & Event Facilitation : In order to accelerate the transformation of the economy, the onboarding program is looking for marketing executives and relations assistants who are able to create linkages and networks with existing training institutions, centres of excellence hubs, social other social benefits organizations who already have event facilitations venues such conferences and theatres and stadia halls suitable and with conducive environment for learning and exchange of ideas. The marketing executive will also be responsible for organizing and coordinating logistics, speakers and resource persons.
Presentation Resource Persons: : We are looking for resources persons who are experienced teaching, motivational speakers with an appreciation and understanding of the inclination and orientation of the current educational systems towards employment and and needs in the industry. The resource persons shall possess the drive to translate theory into practice while encouraging entrepreneurship and employment opportunities over salary and wage. The Resource person shall be conversant with the following onboarding and transformative topics​​
Review of Industry and Education and its relationship to employment and wealth creation
An appreciation of the Information and communication System
An understanding of the requirements needs and technology of providing and setting up a data centre
An appreciation of the importance of data and associated decision support science
ata as the basis of of data center presentation
rose to enterprise executive and program director ranks in various public bodies and has also published academic papers and industrial documents.
Resource Person(s)
Reflection : Matei Thinks of himself as an interpreter of the surrounding situation and environment. He is a decipher of needs and knowledge and likes to use the available tools to produce solutions that transform and impact others and benefit society at large.
Background : As an Electrical Engineer, Matei has an expansive experience in telecommunications and competence in information and communication technology
Accolades : Matei rose to enterprise executive and program director ranks in various public bodies and has also published academic papers and industrial documents.
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