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Data : Information : Intelligence : Decision
Technical Employment Opportunity
The Four Stages of Decision Science needed by an entity to reach an informed decision.
Enterprices and other entities are formed to provide and deliver sustainable and impactable services to their clients, customers, subscribers, consumer and other stakeholders. Decision science as in other areas of fundamental undestanding, including philosophy, matematics and humanities, postulates a process contituting four stages of basic concerns in solution . These are data collection, information processing, intelligence management and direction deliberations to reach or make informed and wise decisions for closed entity solution.
Data Collection
Data collection involves the recognition of events and other phenomenon that triggered by activities or actions in the enterprise.
Infomation Processing
The collected data s processed nto nformaton usng formulae, alogorithms structures and other data science analysis tools that have evolved into application to assist in development design, production and supply of their services
Intelligence Management
The information that is produced by processing the data is now manageged and organized into into intellience through programs of a strategic plan and projects of theprgrams tasks of the project of the program and then transactions whch are done on the task of the project.
Wisdom Deliberations
The intelligence that s acquired from the information is now to be wisely utilized for reach a well considered and prudent decision that s beneficial to the enterprise and the ndustry at large.
Source of Decision Data
Enterprise and other entities CioNet Affiliates are the CisoNode outlets where the Enterprise cloud Managers to support the following Opportunities
Associate Onboarding : Training & Recruitment
State of Data Source
ommercial Store : Electrical & Information &
State Detecton Methods
Data Communication
Decision Documentation Content
Decision Purpose
Decision Purpose Applcaton
Decision science process
s applcable to any enterprse n ts producton recording fanancial and regulatory environment at taught in the education system. Documentation ystem, products & accessories

Onboarding Events
Outlet Facility
Resource Person
Event Organizer
Content Creator
Product Sate
Build & Maintain Site
Customer Service
Visibility Operations
Application Development
Operation Coordination
Enterprise Opportunity Solution
Enterprices and other entities are formed to provide and deliver sustainable and impactable services to their clients, customers, subscribers, consumer and other stakeholders. Decision science as in other areas of fundamental undestanding, including philosophy, matematics and humanities, postulates a process contituting four stages of basic concerns in solution . These are data collection, information processing, intelligence management and direction deliberations to reach or make informed and wise decisions for closed entity solution.
Data collection involves the recognition of events and other phenomenon that triggered by activities or actions in the enterprise.
The Prgramme has projects or opportunities from which solutions are determined and produced. These solutions are based on the best evaluated and selected proposal from the list of from collected data s processed nto nformaton usng formulae, alogorithms structures and other data science analysis tools that have evolved into application to assist in development design, production and supply of their services
The information that is produced by processing the data is now manageged and organized into into intellience through programs of a strategic plan and projects of theprgrams tasks of the project of the program and then transactions whch are done on the task of the project.
The intelligence that s acquired from the information is now to be wisely utilized for reach a well considered and prudent decision that s beneficial to the enterprise and the ndustry at large.
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